Satin vs. Grosgrain Ribbon

To help you choose the best material for your needs, we have provided a quick overview of the differences between satin and grosgrain ribbons in texture and material, followed by the best projects to use each ribbon. These ribbons are great for a variety of occasions; place them on a bouquet of flowers, on a birthday present, or in your hair!

The Difference Between Satin and Grosgrain

Grosgrain is a type of corded fabric. The fabric ends tend to be weaker than the middle, allowing the ribbon to bend and twist in many directions. Grosgrain doesn’t have the same luster as satin ribbon. These silky and ribbed ribbons are less shiny, but they are available in many hues and fun designs.

The texture of satin ribbon is softer than grosgrain, and the ribbon material is shinier. The biggest difference between satin and grosgrain is that satin doesn’t have a wire in the middle of the ribbon, mostly because the ribbon is weak on all sides. Satin can’t hold a shape as well as grosgrain can, but the biggest reason many people like to create custom ribbon with satin is that it provides unique texture and luster.

Satin vs. Grosgrain Ribbon: Which Do You Pick?

The right choice between these options depends on the project at hand. Many people use grosgrain for bead-making, creating memorial centerpieces, and adding trim to a hair bow. Satin is a winner all around because it works well to create decorations for any event type, including weddings. You could tie a bow around a bouquet of flowers for bridesmaids to hold or use the ribbon to fashion corsages for members of the bridal party.

The Best Ways To Use Satin

One thing you might want more clarification on when debating between satin vs. grosgrain ribbon is the other types of projects where you could use each type. For instance, there are many ways to use satin ribbon.

Satin ribbon is a winner all around. It’s perfect for creating floral bouquets, wrapping around a present, or tying around a set of silverware. You can also use satin ribbon to create party favors. Make the candy table at your child’s Sweet 16 prettier with a custom ribbon made from satin. The bow will add a nice touch, and you can repurpose the decoration in a new way after the event.

The Best Ways To Use Grosgrain

Grosgrain is a nice ribbon to use on projects that require the bows to hold a certain shape. The best project to create with grosgrain ribbon material is a memorial centerpiece. Memorial centerpieces need grosgrain because it’s strong and can flex into any shape you need.

Place the ribbon around a wreath or display it below a loved one’s photo to make the centerpiece feel full. Grosgrain is an ideal choice for projects that you plan to continue reusing for years to come, whereas satin ribbon may only be appropriate for projects that serve a temporary purpose.

The long debate on satin vs. grosgrain ribbon can come to an end. Ribbon by Design offers different ways for you to customize your ribbon so that it fits your big day or matches your home decor.