Effective Ways To Market Your Logo

Effective Ways To Market Your Logo

Every business wants to garner the most attention to their enterprise. However, it’s no easy task to do so. Between saturated markets and ever-present competition, you need to stand out for consumers to see you. If you want to increase your visibility and boost brand recognition, here are the most effective ways to market your logo.

Write About Your Logo

Whether you’ve had the original logo since day one or you recently changed it up, you should write about your logo and its significance. A logo reflects an essential aspect or product of a business and shows consumers what you’re all about. Though a picture is worth a thousand words, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put a few words to your picture.

Writing about your logo both explains and personalizes your business to consumers. An intricate or minimalist design will need some explanation so people can grasp the depth of your creativity and mission. Think about writing a blog post on your website to capture the nuances of your logo. You can also utilize social media platforms to post the logo, big and bold, with a short description in the caption.

Perform Market Research

If you’re still in the development phase for your logo design, you should perform market research and hear what people have to say about your business. Focus groups and surveys are an excellent way to boost recognition and find a logo that appeals to everybody. Depending on the structure and timing of this research, you could also use the specific reviews by customers and survey-takers as comments in your blog or social media posts.

Make It a Game

Another way to engage customers in this logo discovery is through games. Consider utilizing a social media platform and set up a guessing game for customers to suggest a meaning for the various elements of your logo. For example, say you run a small chocolate shop and you have a small flame in your logo. This could represent chocolatiers melting the chocolate or the fact that you sell spicy sweets. Your customers may not know either, so give them a chance to hash it out online. You can then send a prize to the winner and provide them with a batch of your unique chocolates.

Branded Packaging

Anyone who orders your products should receive a package of some sort. Whether it’s a paper bag at your brick-and-mortar store or a cardboard box arriving at their doorstep, product packaging is the easiest way to expose customers to your logo. They already bought into your product, so make sure they keep coming back. Brand loyalty isn’t only about a good product but also a memorable experience.

While cardboard packaging in and of itself will get your item to the customer, you can take it up a level with unique features. Consider adding higher-quality packaging, colorful areas, and extra symbols with your logo to accentuate your brand. Amid COVID-19, many companies capitalized on this facet of their work, maximizing their impact when people mostly ordered from their couches. If you cannot curate customer experience in a store, you must do it on the webpage and with the box itself.

You should also think about how the product looks inside the box. How will it look when opened? What extra can you include to make it a memorable experience? For example, you could tie custom printed ribbon around the product to make it fancier. With the logo emblazoned every few inches, they’ll be hard-pressed to forget it.

Sponsor Community Events

The local community is the perfect place to build better brand recognition. Community events like races, volunteer efforts, and holiday celebrations happen with financial support from local businesses. So, you should put yourself out there and sponsor a community event. That way, all the posters and commemorative t-shirts will showcase your business’s logo.

If you work in many communities or run an e-commerce business, you can still participate in these events. Your company headquarters may be in a specific town or area, so start there. You can branch out to places of customer density and see if you can expand your reach in those places, too. Everyone loves to see a company give back to their community, so do your best to find thoughtful and meaningful ways to do so, all while putting your logo front and center.

Reprint Old Business Materials

When you have a logo, you want people to see it clearly. Suppose you rebranded or took a while to find a logo you liked. You likely have stationery, business cards, and email signatures that all bear a different mark than your new logo. You should refresh and reprint these old business materials. When people interact with your business, they should have an updated understanding of your branding. The last thing you want to do is give someone an old business card with an outdated logo, confusing them about the new one.

Logoed Merchandise

Making a mark in someone’s memory takes time. Subconscious associations and recognition requires consistent exposure to your logo. So, give people an excuse to wear and use your logo all the time with merchandise. Logoed merchandise is one of the simplest ways to expand your brand from a random store to a household name.

When selecting items to make into business swag, think about people’s everyday lives. What do they wear? How do they eat? What tools are most common? This way, you can offer t-shirts, mugs, pens, flashlights, and more, all with your logo on them. The best part is that people who use and wear these items around others will generate latent interest in your store. It gives a reason for them to ask what the logo means or what your business does. These products even have a long-term impact if the people who bought your swag two years ago move and donate your old logoed t-shirt. This creates a whole new wave of people who engage with your logo and products.

Take these effective ways to market your logo to heart and figure out the best methods for disseminating your fabulous design. If you are working on a marketing initiative and need a ribbon to tie your efforts together, reach out to us at Ribbon By Design to find the best solutions for your business.

Effective Ways To Market Your Logo

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